Covid-19 Awareness Training

I have just completed ScreenSkills Covid-19 Basic Awareness on Production training

I understand that in these uncertain times people might be concerned about inviting a filmmaker into their place of work or home and so I felt that it was important for me to undertake a recognised form of awareness training.

Whilst we are all becoming more and more familiar with the daily measures we have to take to keep ourselves safe, by completing this online training I definitely feel clearer about how I can keep myself, my co-workers, and clients safe whilst working.

These are some of the measures I will take on every film shoot in accordance with official UK government guidelines and the advice offered by ScreenSkills:

  • Sanitising equipment before arrival and once filming is completed

  • Washing/sanitising my hands regularly during the film shoot using either soap and water available at the location or my own hand sanitiser

  • Maintaining social distancing

  • Where social distancing may not be possible in order to complete the filming, I will wear a face covering

  • Keeping my film crew to only a small number of people

  • Checking my temperature on the day of the filming as well as the temperature of any other members of the film crew that will be in attendance.

As well-ventilated and outdoor areas are safer, whenever possible I will suggest that we conduct filming at an outdoor location.

Where filming necessitates entering your home or place of work, I will contact you beforehand to familiarise myself with any specific measures you are following in your workplace or to assess whether there may be a risk for filming to take place at this time.

If you would like to commission a film, but are concerned about Covid-19, please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss how I can carry out filming safely at your place of work or home.

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